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Guangdong Liwang New Energy Co., Ltd. listed

Guangdong Liwang New Energy Co., Ltd. listed

  • Categories:Company News
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2020-01-10
  • Views:2

(Summary description)"Liwang Co., Ltd." held the "New Third Board" listing ceremony. This is the first company in Tangxia Town to land on the "New Third Board" and the first domestic alkaline battery industry company to be listed on the "New Third Board".

Guan Minzheng, secretary of the town party committee and chairman of the town people ’s congress, deputy secretary of the town party committee and mayor Li Xueqin attended the unveiling ceremony and unveiled the company ’s new third board.

Guangdong Liwang New Energy Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise integrating research, production and sales in Tangxia Town. It mainly produces environmental protection alkaline series batteries and P-type environmental protection batteries, and the products are sold at home and abroad. In 2014, the company's sales revenue was nearly 200 million yuan, and the tax paid was nearly 7 million yuan. After the company is successfully listed on the market, it will enter the fast lane of the capital market and make full use of shareholders' funds to develop the company.

The "New Third Board" listing of enterprises is a financing service platform established to support small and medium-sized joint-stock enterprises with high technological content and independent innovation capabilities in national high-tech parks. At present, Tangxia Town is comprehensively promoting the speed of listing of the "New Third Board" through the implementation of counselling services and the introduction of incentive policies for small and medium-sized technology enterprises in the town.

Guangdong Liwang New Energy Co., Ltd. listed

(Summary description)"Liwang Co., Ltd." held the "New Third Board" listing ceremony. This is the first company in Tangxia Town to land on the "New Third Board" and the first domestic alkaline battery industry company to be listed on the "New Third Board".

Guan Minzheng, secretary of the town party committee and chairman of the town people ’s congress, deputy secretary of the town party committee and mayor Li Xueqin attended the unveiling ceremony and unveiled the company ’s new third board.

Guangdong Liwang New Energy Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise integrating research, production and sales in Tangxia Town. It mainly produces environmental protection alkaline series batteries and P-type environmental protection batteries, and the products are sold at home and abroad. In 2014, the company's sales revenue was nearly 200 million yuan, and the tax paid was nearly 7 million yuan. After the company is successfully listed on the market, it will enter the fast lane of the capital market and make full use of shareholders' funds to develop the company.

The "New Third Board" listing of enterprises is a financing service platform established to support small and medium-sized joint-stock enterprises with high technological content and independent innovation capabilities in national high-tech parks. At present, Tangxia Town is comprehensively promoting the speed of listing of the "New Third Board" through the implementation of counselling services and the introduction of incentive policies for small and medium-sized technology enterprises in the town.

  • Categories:Company News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-01-10
  • Views:2
"Liwang Co., Ltd." held the "New Third Board" listing ceremony. This is the first company in Tangxia Town to land on the "New Third Board" and the first domestic alkaline battery industry company to be listed on the "New Third Board".
Guan Minzheng, secretary of the town party committee and chairman of the town people ’s congress, deputy secretary of the town party committee and mayor Li Xueqin attended the unveiling ceremony and unveiled the company ’s new third board.
Guangdong Liwang New Energy Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise integrating research, production and sales in Tangxia Town. It mainly produces environmental protection alkaline series batteries and P-type environmental protection batteries, and the products are sold at home and abroad. In 2014, the company's sales revenue was nearly 200 million yuan, and the tax paid was nearly 7 million yuan. After the company is successfully listed on the market, it will enter the fast lane of the capital market and make full use of shareholders' funds to develop the company.
The "New Third Board" listing of enterprises is a financing service platform established to support small and medium-sized joint-stock enterprises with high technological content and independent innovation capabilities in national high-tech parks. At present, Tangxia Town is comprehensively promoting the speed of listing of the "New Third Board" through the implementation of counselling services and the introduction of incentive policies for small and medium-sized technology enterprises in the town.

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0769-87885755/ 0769-87888652/0769-86201111
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